
This New Moon is happening at 26° of Gemini on June 17th or 18th, depending on your location, and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 23° to 29° of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Normally, a Gemini New Moon with Mercury in Gemini would be great for research, gathering information & data, and getting the facts straight, however, with Neptune challenging these energies, this New Moon is best for curiosity, playfulness, and imagination. In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

To start this forecast I’d like to suggest some guidelines for making the most of the astrology. You can watch this Tiktok with a simple breakdown of do’s and don’ts or continue reading.

@friendlymystic make some plans using the astrology to your advantage 💖 #astrology #newmoon #gemini #transitsastrology ♬ original sound – Friendly Mystic

There may be a desire to find definitive answers, and complete understanding in what can’t be understood, but only glimpsed. Now isn’t the time to try and use our minds to understand capital ‘T’ Truth, but to talk about it without preconceived notions about what we ‘know’. If you desire to begin an endeavor that requires fact based information and data, be mindful of how you draw conclusions from that data and you’ll likely find that it resists clear boundaries and definition. Now is an amazing time for imaginative writing and art making. If you have had an idea for the fantastical bouncing around in your head, I would encourage you to put pen to paper and use this energy to begin to bring it into the world to share with others. Lastly, this New Moon has a signature of losing the thread of objective truth or reality, and for those who are interested in altered states of consciousness, it could prove to be a good time to ‘tamper’ with our perception. However, it isn’t advised to hold tightly to any insights received as they could easily evaporate like dew in the morning light. If you use substances to alter your consciousness, please do so with discretion and in safe spaces.

The details will avoid capture this New Moon but we should remain curious and flirtatious with The Great Mystery despite how it makes our heads spin. We could become frustrated when we feel that Spirit is cryptic when we ask questions, but we must recognize that how and when we come upon the answer is just as important as the answer itself. How can we ask the Cosmos to reduce itself for the pleasure of our own human comprehension? It resists neat categorization at all times, but our awareness of the gap between what is and what is known may destabilize our sense of “reality” at the outset of this New Moon. Our impulse at this perceived dissonance may be to dissect Spirit with intellect if we forget that it is also alive within and without us. It is not a vending machine for mental consumption. This New Moon invites us to be curious in our searching and to nurture our relationship with the All. Like two lovers coming closer to one another in the coy dance of courtship. We don’t dance to reach the end of the dance floor, we do it to enjoy the dance itself. Perhaps in the process of learning to be led by Spirit, step by step, we can have more fun in the Mystery of it all than in a neat and tidy solution.

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could affect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon 🌚

This New Moon is happening at 28° of Taurus and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 25° to 29° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) as well as 0° and 1° of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Being out of eclipse season, this New Moon can more reliably be used for intention setting particularly in regards to sensual pleasures, groundedness, and that which sustains life. However, it is good to keep in mind that there are challenging energies at play as well, which I will speak about at length. In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

A new beginning in the Earthy sign of Taurus allows us to build a foundation to experience sensual comfort to support nurturing and care. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, follows in the wake of Mars soothing his broody aggravation through the sign of Cancer. Prior to this New Moon, we may have seen the ways we have lost our temper when we don’t directly address conflict particularly in the home and family. We are being invited to establish ways we can ground ourselves and care for our bodies so that we have a comfortable foothold when we confront difficult emotions. It’s a great time to rely on the spaces available to you and get in touch with your senses as we move into this lunation cycle.

While Mars moves out of Cancer the day after the new moon, we reach the peak of one of the most difficult and dynamic aspects of the year. We are already in the throes of the explosive tension of the Mars, Jupiter and Pluto T-square, a bombastic, glory-seeking power struggle. This activates the early degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and has been building up within the last week or so. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld intensifies the Martian urge for conflict, and as Mars moves into Leo, an extroverted fire sign, we will see that energy directed outwards. Jupiter in Taurus sits at the fulcrum of this aspect, mediating by seeking tangible solutions.

A herculean power and deep seated impulse drives us towards renewal. The eruption of this powerful pent-up energy is destructive, but ultimately cathartic, like the wave of relief and joy after a bloody violent birth. Expect a sudden increase in violence in the news as many will feel there is no other option when faced with the shadow of their own primal rage and drive for power. This new moon is an invitation to create a soft nest for the sweet animal of your body to collapse into when this transformation has run it ragged. As we enter Gemini season, allow for your body to reset and recover from the intensity of the current energies; with time we may be able to gain some intellectual distance and understanding of what has come to the surface when the hot magma of it has come to cool. 

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could affect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon 🌚

This Solar Eclipse is happening at 29° of Aries and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 26° to 29° of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) as well as 0° to 2° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). With any eclipse, I warn people to not attempt manifestation work, but this one in particular I advise against for its volatile energy and potency. Any rituals you do to observe the energy or honor deities is completely safe and welcome. In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

This new cycle starts off with a bang in the explosive sign of Aries. You may be familiar with New Moons as the beginning of a new lunar cycle. You may even know Solar eclipses as the beginning of a new eclipse cycle but this solar eclipse brings with it a new series of eclipses on the Aries and Libra axis that we have not seen in two decades. This is the first in this series as the nodes of the moon begin to shift out of the Scorpio and Taurus part of our charts, giving some much needed breathing room to the fixed sign placements. The previous eclipses we’ve experienced within the last 2 years have been about uprooting that which we assumed would never yield. Eclipses in their nature often bring shock and disruption to wherever they touch our lives and this has been doubly so with the influence of Uranus close by in Taurus. Now that we have done the work to move the immovable we have created a canvas to begin a brand new bold venture. 

In the initiatory sign of the Ram, something big is being born, bursting forth as we will enter the steady sign of the Bull soon after, like the last firework at a 4th of July show that wows the crowd before the evening winds down. Whatever this is for us as individuals it will have a fighting passionate spirit. This powerful energy is heightened by the North Node, adding an extra ‘oomph’ and drive which if handled with caution and balanced with humility (not Aries’ strong suit) can jettison us in a good direction.

The North Node is often given the mantle of the direction of our ‘soul’s path’ and I can see truth in that. However, I believe we should heed the Vedic understanding of the nodes as something to be approached with caution for their powerful and often destructive influence. Specifically, the North Node can point to an unquenchable thirst or desire, and while we can see our desires as a compass on our soul’s journey we should be mindful of how we attempt to satiate them. 

The ruler of this Solar eclipse is Mars in Cancer, the caring yet guarded sign of the crab. Mars in this water sign will bring with it shocking emotional outbursts, particularly if we haven’t been able to express our anger in healthy ways. It can also give us the courage to protect those we love, or defend our softness by not compromising our boundaries. The passionate fire of Mars is using the fuel of our intimate feelings and caring hearts to do its work, however, if not channeled with awareness it will lash out at perceived threats. Our feelings likely have been coming in hot and tensions are bound to be running high; if we allow ourselves and others grace and compassion as we navigate through this next week or so, it will help preserve our relationships with others and ourselves. 

The potency of this Solar Eclipse is heightened by its tension with Pluto in Aquarius. The influence of Pluto often leads to eruptions of what lies in the dark into the light, struggles of power and domination, and our animal instinct. Pluto will likely be the catalyst for the emotional outbursts as it forces us to confront and violently purge the putrid shadows that lie underneath our surface. Collectively, we are seeing our reflection in our contradicting ideals for the best future, the good, bad and ugly of AI’s regurgitation of our digital footprint, and the interrogation of what it means to be human as Pluto moves further into Aquarius.

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these transits could effect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me.

This New Moon is happening at 1° of Pisces and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 0° to 4° of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) as well as 29° and 28° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

The Pisces New Moon plants a seed of imagination and desire, punctuating the Venus and Neptune conjunction, and is fueled by the bold, brave and go-getter attitude of Jupiter in Aries. The Sun moving away from its recent meeting with Saturn carries a new sobriety and somber-ness. While we feel energized to move towards the romanticized version of our lives we can do so with a more grounded sense of reality. This lunation marks a tonal shift from cold, analytical Aquarius into empathetic, boundaryless Pisces. As the Sun leaves Aquarius for Pisces, the Saturnian heaviness of the last 4 years begins to break and we can begin to ease up on control, restriction and perfectionism. Both Aquarius and Pisces are future oriented; Aquarius thinks up the future, while Pisces feels into it. Intellectual ideals about the future are necessary for manifesting a fair and just world, but without the emotional intelligence and faithfulness of Pisces we have no hope for it.

The stage set for this New Moon is the romantic fantasy of the Venus and Neptune conjunction in Pisces contrasted by the sober reality check of the Sun and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. The beautiful visions of Venus and Neptune show us the energy of the desires that flourish within our imaginations. If we fantasize about running away into the forest to live in a mushroom hut, we are tapping into our desire for isolation and a connection with nature. If we fantasize about people that gratify us sexually, we are witnessing our desire for intimacy and arousal. The somber feeling of Saturn may trick us into feeling that if we cannot possess this fantasy we should disregard it for the cold harshness of the “real world”. Sun conjoined Saturn illuminates all the reasons and responsibilities that we must attend to, our ‘why nots’. While we may not be able to attain our fantasies in their details we can bring them into our lives in their essence. However grim this contrast of desire and reality is, we can stay in the faith and hope of a future that balances both in harmony. 

This New Moon invites us to learn how to ground our fantastical desires without losing their spirit. As Venus will shortly after the New Moon enter Aries and join Jupiter, we will be emboldened to take action to move closer to a world that satisfies us, whether we need to take time off to camp in the woods or to speak with our partners about how to better meet one another in union. If we can take the passionate imagined fantastical image of our desire and use the reality check of Saturn to our advantage, we have a good chance of inviting the energy of our fantasies into our lives.

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could effect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon all <3

This New Moon is happening at 1° of Aquarius and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 0° to 4° of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) as well as 29° and 28° of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

This New Moon in Aquarius is characterized by the conjunction forming between Venus and Saturn in the same sign. A new serious minded development is forming around relationships, creative pursuits, and pleasure. The beginning of both a new lunar cycle and a Venus Saturn cycle gives the themes of this lunation a longer lasting presence. The way that this lunar cycle develops can give us some clues as to how the larger Venus Saturn cycle will develop over the next year, when Venus will rejoin Saturn in late March of 2024. When Venus and Saturn make contact, we take the discipline, restriction and maturation of Saturn and bring it into the realm of beauty, relationships, harmony, and the social arena. Venus has come to Saturn to appraise the work she has done since their last connection. 

Many of us will find that a relationship or creative pursuit of ours has reached its full maturity and needs to evolve or dissolve. There may be a feeling of having outgrown a social environment and a bittersweetness of having to leave something we’ve come to love behind in order to honor the growth it’s granted us. Much like a plant that has outgrown its pot, unless it is transplanted into a larger container it will become root bound and choke itself to death. Saturn is most intimately aware of how endings beget beginnings. His gift is to close one door, so that another may open. The pain of putting down childish things is a necessary part of stepping into the new pleasures of adulthood. For some this could be beginning a new project as the old one has bared its fruit, leaving behind an old sense of style and fashion to create a new one, a new discipline of pleasure seeking, or the appraisal of a relationship’s longevity. The tendency for Aquarius to be inflexible in their ideals can lead to a rigid perfectionism when creating new terms in relationships or social contracts. It’s important to allow for some concessions in order to make progress, otherwise there is a real potential for gridlock.

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could effect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon!

This New Moon is happening at 1° of Sagittarius and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 0° to 4° of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) as well as 29° and 28° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). Being out of eclipse season, this New Moon is a great one for intention setting particularly in regards to deepening your connection to spirit and your empathy, philosophical pursuits, publishing, sharing knowledge and higher learning. In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

This New Moon is a bright spark of optimism for the future and spurs us to seek a new truth in the aftermath of eclipse season. As Jupiter ends its ruminations of its retrograde cycle, it stations direct in its home sign of Pisces and gives way to an ‘Aha!’ moment. This realization plants a seed within us, growing into a desire to seek philosophical understanding through an exploration of our connection to the emotional and imaginal waters of the collective dream. 

The brilliance of this transit may leave us blinded to the reality in front of us as our dreams and hopes for the future are so vivid we can almost taste and smell them. A new faith is born and now requires us to nurture it through action. To quote a verse from The Bible, James 2:17 “Faith without works is dead.” This work could be taking the first steps to build your dream business, to find a counselor, to enroll in a graduate program or to move to a foreign country, but first you must have the faith in your vision of the future to follow through. Mutable energies are particularly potent this month. When expressed positively they can do their works with versatility and adaptability, however, without grounding them within a goal they can also be scattered and restless.

While this Sagittarius New Moon can be archetypically understood as a preacher, philosopher, student, or wanderer, seeking outside of itself for universal truths, it can find friction with its feminine counterpart Pisces which prefers the empathetic connectivity of our shared inner world and its wisdom. It is this Piscean inner ocean that must be plunged into in order to bring its pearls to the surface. Neptune melds with Jupiter in already permeable Pisces which left unchecked with the unbridled optimism of Jupiter can lead us to pursue the high of ecstatic union with the Godhead like a spiritual addict. The Fish are sensitive to what is within their waters and this moon cycle it may be difficult to determine whether the waters are polluted or not. 

As we seek universal laws, we may find ourselves gathering information in an attempt to assimilate it into our framework of belief. With a lack of clarity or focus and a deep desire to uncover hidden truths, we may be quick to jump to conclusions that fall in line with our internal biases. To echo Terence McKenna and his workshop “Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge”, the feeling of having a true model of the universe may lead us to believe our conclusions without scrutiny and to preach them dogmatically. We must learn to humble ourselves enough to not demand closure from the universe and sit with the messiness of the mystery. 

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could effect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon all <3

This Solar Eclipse is happening at 2° of Scorpio and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 0° to 5° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It’s my mission to equip you with an astrological perspective to navigate your life in an empowered way. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me here.

This last week of October we are seeing an intense energy shift from easy-going, diplomatic Libra into emotionally intense and deep Scorpio. Hot off the heels of Venus’s conjunction with the Sun in Libra, a sign which prioritizes social cohesion, Venus’s and the Sun’s shift into Scorpio is a striking demonstration of the demarcation between the two signs. While Venus in Libra concerns itself with social graces, balancing and harmonizing, whether that is with people, fashion, or the arts, Venus in Scorpio finds itself much more concerned with a deep investigation of the contents of the hearts and minds it is in contact with. Scorpio as a sign is often cautious and suspicious of the motives of others, holding its cards close to its chest. This is a result of the depth of feeling and, in regards to Venus in Scorpio, the passion, it is capable of. Scorpio season, in and of itself, is associated with darkness, destruction, and death, without which, life would be incomplete. This is the energy that is deeply intertwined with the Solar Eclipse.

To understand the significance of this Solar eclipse, it’s important to understand how the eclipse cycle works. Eclipse cycles, symbolically, are very similar to the Lunar cycle of New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon, where we have a seed being planted on the New Moon, it comes into fruition on the Full Moon and dissolves as the Moon approaches the end of the cycle to restart it all over again. The difference, however, is that eclipse cycles last longer than the typical 29-30 days of a regular Lunar cycle, starting with the Solar Eclipse, the New Moon, and developing over the next 6 months until the Lunar eclipse, the Full Moon. Eclipses in and of themselves are incredibly potent energetically and are associated with the blocking of light, or awareness. Symbolically, this can indicate the difficulty to see how the cycle may develop, how it may impact us, or even our participation in it. It will likely take much longer for us to understand the full implications of the cycle, especially since they develop over multiple months and are repeated only every 18 years when the nodes of the Moon return to that zodiacal axis.

With this Solar eclipse in Scorpio, we are initiating a deep, powerful, and emotionally transformative review of our relationships, desires, passions, and/or sexuality. This eclipse is ruled by Mars in Gemini, which is stationing retrograde. For the next 6 weeks, Mars will be reviewing the actions and ambitions it started back in early September as it moves through its retrograde cycle, particularly in regard to communication, and information it received at this time. So while Solar Eclipses are associated with the planting of a new seed, Mars’s retrograde cycle will require us to revisit topics or tasks we thought we had dealt with in order to move forward. What we revisit during this time may bring up desires, passions, and feelings that are ugly and difficult to handle. Emotional intensity is a chief signature of this lunation. However, the assistance of the South Node in Scorpio leads to a purgative effect, followed by a deep catharsis and spiritual release from old baggage, physically and/or emotionally.

 Be mindful of what relationships, interests, or projects are started at this time as you can expect them to develop over the next 6 months and will be a clue as to what this eclipse cycle will be about for you. It is generally inadvisable to use eclipses for specific manifestations as eclipses are known for their volatility and unpredictability. This will be particularly true for this eclipse with Uranus, the god of rebellion and sudden change, still in close proximity to the Nodes. As we begin to navigate the heavy energy of this transit, it can be helpful to remember that what is brought up in our hearts needs our recognition to be released. The more we are able to surrender to the process and witness our depths without judgment, the easier it will be to let go.

Hello! I’m Aly, your friendly mystic, here again with the astrological forecast for the New Moon in Libra on 09/25/22. This New Moon is happening at 2° of Libra and will be most potent for people with planets or the ascendant at 0° to 5° of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) as well as people with late degree 29°-25° of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. First, we will go over the archetypal energies present and then we will go through the rising signs to see what topics this New Moon will be highlighting for you. To use these horoscopes you will need to know your birth date, birthplace, and birth time. 


There is a seed being planted in contention with the philosophical review of retrograde Jupiter in Aries. He is concerned with independence, the freedom to act, and selfhood. His retrograde period has likely brought up shifts and changes in our beliefs around the part of our charts that Aries touches. This New Moon, however, asks us “How do we ground a project, idea, action, relationship etc. in the good of all?”. Our task is to figure out how to find balance and justice communally when we are still evaluating our ideals as individuals and desire to go it alone. It is important to note, that the individual and the community cannot live without one another and are thus two sides of the same coin. As much as Jupiter in Aries wants us to believe otherwise, we cannot and do not live in a vacuum and no man is an island. Neither can be honored by dishonoring the other. The tension of these opposites can be held in interdependence, where the independence of an individual is honored and valuable to the community. This lunation cycle may help us learn ways to find more independence and freedom in our responsibility to one another. 

 Many of the themes of the last two weeks and the clarity of Mercury’s Cazimi on the 23rd are ready to be put into action, using Mercury’s valuable review of the first 8 degrees of Libra. As Mercury and Venus, the host of this lunation, move into conjunction in nit-picky Virgo, we may find ourselves trying to crack the code on how to perfect love, sensuality, harmony, and beauty wherever Virgo touches our chart. Our ideals have likely been set unrealistically as Venus passes her opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Past fantasies of the perfection of interconnectedness may have floated back into our consciousness once more. Our souls may remember a time when we lived in perfect unity without our physical vessels creating complications, but Venus in Virgo is an endlessly practical lover and lives in the material. We may have issues accessing our diplomacy with old visions of boundary-less love coming into harsh contrast with our lived experience. 

Nothing kills love and connection faster than a critical nature, however, voicing our dissatisfaction with love is an important art form in and of itself. This is the noble pursuit of perfection Venus in Virgo can embody. How do we voice critiques to create connection and harmony rather than point fingers and cause derision? Much like a painter who bares their soul on canvas still needs feedback and critique from their peers to improve their craft, our relationships need us to speak on what is and isn’t working. It is not an easy task to be vulnerable, baring ourselves to our loved ones and wanting nothing more than to please them, only to be told we are falling short. If both parties remember that they are working toward happiness for all, they may be able to set aside the impulse toward lone wolf philosophies long enough to soften their hearts.



Because of the nature of this New Moon being in opposition to Jupiter, I will be evaluating these horoscopes as pairs on the axis of Aries and Libra. If you know your rising sign, you can read below what houses this transit will highlight for you.

Aries/Libra Risings

This opposition is happening on the 1st & 7th house axis for you. “Me vs. We” is the name of the game. There may be a struggle to find a diplomatic solution to someone’s desires for freedom and independence within love and relationship. You may experience a “my way or the highway” attitude with your loved ones in the face of critique. 

Taurus/Scorpio Risings

This opposition is happening on the 12th & 6th house axis for you. Both these houses are associated with difficulties, loss, and labor. This may be related to topics of care for yourself and others and how to divide labor equitably. You may face issues with outsourcing labor and the desire for extreme independence. There is a potential for burnout with this transit. It will be important to remember to fill your own cup before you try to fill others.

Gemini/Sagittarius Risings

This opposition is happening on the 11th & 5th house axis for you. The topics highlighted are pleasures of community and our personal creativity and vision. There may be some creative and philosophical differences that need mediation between the desire for individual authorship and working harmoniously within a group. It may be tension around a creative project that requires both an individual vision and collaboration. There may be a need to relinquish the desire for total control to bring something into fruition.

Cancer/Capricorn Risings

This opposition is happening on the 10th & 4th house axis for you. This is the axis of property and private life versus career and your reputation. There is a need to balance the demands of work with a responsibility to family and home. An evaluation of whether or not who you are at work and who you are in private are in alignment is likely on the docket. In general, this lunation can highlight your philosophy around work-life balance. Property disputes may also arise.

Leo/Aquarius Risings

This opposition is happening on the 9th & 3rd house axis for you. This axis is about our big picture beliefs and philosophies versus our day-to-day information, rituals and communications. There is likely a rethinking about how you communicate your beliefs and your ideological framework. There may be tension in what you believe in and your daily rituals. It will be important to find out which needs revising in order for them to be in harmony once more.

Virgo/Pisces Risings

This opposition is happening on the 8th & 2nd house axis for you. The topics activated will be around your belongs, self-esteem, and money and how they are woven with those around us. It often is the axis of our financial responsibilities to others and theirs to us. We may be reviewing our personal possessions or what we owe others. Disagreement concerning a debt may arise due to differing beliefs as well as resistance to paying back what may be perceived as an unjust debt. With Mercury retrograde, be sure to check a contract twice, and always get agreements in writing particularly if you are borrowing or lending money.

Thank you so much for reading this forecast and arming yourself with the knowledge of this upcoming cycle. I’m grateful to be able to offer an astrological perspective of the current energies. If you are interested in getting a personalized astrological forecast of upcoming transits or would like to have a reading of your natal promise, you can book a session with me on my website If you have any questions regarding astrology either in general or specifically about this forecast, feel free to leave a comment. Happy New Moon loves! I hope it is a good one. 💜

This New Moon in Virgo shifts the heat from the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) to the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) particularly if you have any placements in any of these signs at 0-7 degrees. Since Mar’s departure from Taurus about a week or so ago into the verbal, witty and mentally stimulating Gemini, we have likely seen an uptick of verbal sparring, intellectual conflicts, and stinging insults. (Mars in Gemini is something of an insult comic). It often comes with a mental acuity that moves so quickly that you are likely to say the witty thought before you have the chance to evaluate if it may offend, not that Mars in Gemini cares much if it does.

It’s this energy that tightly squares this Virgo New Moon as it perfects; a powerful and conflict-laden start to the cycle. Both the New Moon and Mars are ruled by Mercury readying for its retrograde in social, harmony-seeking Libra. As a result, this New Moon is concerned with the practical reassessment of its relationships and social agreements. In this reevaluation, there is a real potential for verbal conflict from Mars as he may throw around ‘facts’ as weapons as well as harsh critiques typical to Virgo. It may be easy to become defensive if a loved one critiques the status quo of your relationship (or worse, your behavior or actions within it) as it may no longer serve them. It’s important that those with a strong Virgo impulse (and those on the other end of that impulse) to not conflate the critique of the behavior, agreement, etc. with the person themselves. Mars has an overwhelming influence upon the initiation of this New Moon as it can create an argument out of a discussion. This configuration has the tendency to want to win the mental and intellectual battle but its ruler, Mercury in Libra, seeks diplomatic solutions. The proper use of this martian energy is to use the decisive power of Mars to cut away the clauses of your social contracts that no longer serve your relationships instead of locking your loved ones into verbal combat about the details of the past. With Mercury’s retrograde close at hand characterizing this lunation, it is not advised to start brand new agreements and to not settle too quickly on a revision of an old one, but to take the time of this retrograde cycle to tweak, experiment, and understand the position of your partner so that by the end of this lunation cycle (Around September 23rd) you will have a clearer assessment of the efficacy of your current agreements and what needs to change. The combined Mercurial powers of this Virgo New Moon and Gemini Mars can be used to great success if the Gemini energy is used to aggregate data and clearly define the terms of the contracts, both spoken and unspoken, and the Virgo energy is used to analyze those details and allowed to cull what no longer works and improve upon what has. During this time, it’s good to remember that whoever it is you may argue with is your comrade and, while you both may have grievances, it is better to work together to resolve them rather than criticize and attack one another. Accountability, patience, and humility are the antidotes to Mar’s desire to create a war to win and Virgo’s desire for perfection. Your fight need not be with your comrade this lunar cycle, but with the old paradigm of your relationships instead.

Thank you so much for reading this forecast, I hope that it helps you navigate another Mars-y lunation and channel the warrior energy constructively.