
This New Moon is happening at 28° of Taurus and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 25° to 29° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) as well as 0° and 1° of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Being out of eclipse season, this New Moon can more reliably be used for intention setting particularly in regards to sensual pleasures, groundedness, and that which sustains life. However, it is good to keep in mind that there are challenging energies at play as well, which I will speak about at length. In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me.

A new beginning in the Earthy sign of Taurus allows us to build a foundation to experience sensual comfort to support nurturing and care. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, follows in the wake of Mars soothing his broody aggravation through the sign of Cancer. Prior to this New Moon, we may have seen the ways we have lost our temper when we don’t directly address conflict particularly in the home and family. We are being invited to establish ways we can ground ourselves and care for our bodies so that we have a comfortable foothold when we confront difficult emotions. It’s a great time to rely on the spaces available to you and get in touch with your senses as we move into this lunation cycle.

While Mars moves out of Cancer the day after the new moon, we reach the peak of one of the most difficult and dynamic aspects of the year. We are already in the throes of the explosive tension of the Mars, Jupiter and Pluto T-square, a bombastic, glory-seeking power struggle. This activates the early degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and has been building up within the last week or so. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld intensifies the Martian urge for conflict, and as Mars moves into Leo, an extroverted fire sign, we will see that energy directed outwards. Jupiter in Taurus sits at the fulcrum of this aspect, mediating by seeking tangible solutions.

A herculean power and deep seated impulse drives us towards renewal. The eruption of this powerful pent-up energy is destructive, but ultimately cathartic, like the wave of relief and joy after a bloody violent birth. Expect a sudden increase in violence in the news as many will feel there is no other option when faced with the shadow of their own primal rage and drive for power. This new moon is an invitation to create a soft nest for the sweet animal of your body to collapse into when this transformation has run it ragged. As we enter Gemini season, allow for your body to reset and recover from the intensity of the current energies; with time we may be able to gain some intellectual distance and understanding of what has come to the surface when the hot magma of it has come to cool. 

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow. If you’re interested to learn more about how these tranists could affect you as an individual, you can book a reading with me. Happy New Moon 🌚

This Lunar Eclipse is happening at 16° of Taurus and will be most potent for people with personal planets or the ascendant at 13° to 19° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). In my practice, the purpose of astrology is to give us the ability to see the divinity in the shifting circumstances of our daily lives to help us surrender to what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are interested to know what part of your chart will be impacted by any transit, you can book a reading with me here.

To understand the significance of an eclipse, it’s important to understand how the eclipse cycle works. Eclipse cycles, symbolically, are very similar to the Lunar cycle of New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon, where we have a seed being planted on the New Moon, it comes into fruition on the Full Moon and dissolves as the Moon approaches the end of the cycle to restart it all over again. The difference, however, is that eclipse cycles last longer than the typical 29-30 days of a regular Lunar cycle, starting with the Solar Eclipse, the New Moon, and developing over the next 6 months until the Lunar eclipse, the Full Moon. Eclipses in and of themselves are incredibly potent energetically and are associated with the blocking of light, or awareness. Symbolically, this can indicate the difficulty to see how the cycle may develop, how it may impact us, or even our participation in it. It will likely take much longer for us to understand the full implications of the cycle, especially since they develop over multiple months and are repeated only every 18 years. This Lunar Eclipse is the fruition of what was planted around April 30th during the Taurus Solar Eclipse of this year, as well as a culmination of the current lunar cycle of the last 2 weeks. It will bring more insights into this transit to think back to early May and what seeds may have been planted at that time that are now blooming. The next 6 months will be a time of reconfiguration and dispersal of what has been created.

The energy around this Lunar Eclipse is a reactivation of the Saturn and Uranus square that has been present with us for the last 2 years. Saturn, the planet of discipline and restriction, has been in a conflict with Uranus, the planet of rebellion, freedom and unpredictability, and as the Moon joins Uranus in the sky opposite the Sun, this lunation is colored by the tension inherent to what is established and what rebels against it. In the wake of the Solar eclipse two weeks ago, a collective discovery of a new obsession, passion, relationship or deep seated desire has been awakening, bringing awareness to difficult emotions, thoughts or memories to be released. This new desire may have created a sudden revelation around what we have taken for granted as stable and unchanging in our lives. Uranus destabilizes and liberates us from that which is stagnant and decayed, showing us what is the terra firma of our lives. Collectively, the Staurn and Uranus square has been a stress test of the infrastructure necessary for modern life. This is the last hurrah of this stressful transit and what survives after can be relied upon with confidence. 

A Full Moon in Taurus, where she is exalted, is usually a time of creature comforts, simple pleasures, and sensual beauty, but with Venus, the ruler of Taurus, in Scorpio, the goddess takes on a dark, taboo and even obsessive energy. The new passion born under the Solar Eclipse that has fueled us to purge the old also asks to inform what will take its place. We must be mindful to honor it but not allow it to rule. The obsessive nature of a Venus in Scorpio is heightened by the North Node, giving it a signature of unquenchable thirst and reckless abandon. While the sudden inspirations and insights seem to demand immediate action, Saturn advises us to find ways to integrate them in moderation. Mercury moves into a perfect conjunction with the Sun, communicating what has been brewing since the Solar Eclipse. Sudden revelations and disclosures around deeds done in the dark are par for the course. The difficult emotional truths spoken through the heart of the Sun ask to be included in our rebuilding of what has been dismantled by Uranus. Our new motives will drive the new necessities of life. If we deny what is growing within the primordial shadow of ourselves we may reap the consequences of our darkest instincts and drives gone unchecked. The gift of this eclipse is to give voice to what is blooming in the dark so that we may care for it with conscious awareness. 

Thank you for taking the time to arm yourself with the knowledge of astrological energies. It is my hope that my forecasts help you be empowered in moving in harmony with the planets, instead of feeling at the whims of the transits. Astrology can help us learn how to ride the waves of our transits instead of being bowled over by them, taken into the undertow.