This New Moon in Virgo shifts the heat from the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) to the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) particularly if you have any placements in any of these signs at 0-7 degrees. Since Mar’s departure from Taurus about a week or so ago into the verbal, witty and mentally stimulating Gemini, we have likely seen an uptick of verbal sparring, intellectual conflicts, and stinging insults. (Mars in Gemini is something of an insult comic). It often comes with a mental acuity that moves so quickly that you are likely to say the witty thought before you have the chance to evaluate if it may offend, not that Mars in Gemini cares much if it does.
It’s this energy that tightly squares this Virgo New Moon as it perfects; a powerful and conflict-laden start to the cycle. Both the New Moon and Mars are ruled by Mercury readying for its retrograde in social, harmony-seeking Libra. As a result, this New Moon is concerned with the practical reassessment of its relationships and social agreements. In this reevaluation, there is a real potential for verbal conflict from Mars as he may throw around ‘facts’ as weapons as well as harsh critiques typical to Virgo. It may be easy to become defensive if a loved one critiques the status quo of your relationship (or worse, your behavior or actions within it) as it may no longer serve them. It’s important that those with a strong Virgo impulse (and those on the other end of that impulse) to not conflate the critique of the behavior, agreement, etc. with the person themselves. Mars has an overwhelming influence upon the initiation of this New Moon as it can create an argument out of a discussion. This configuration has the tendency to want to win the mental and intellectual battle but its ruler, Mercury in Libra, seeks diplomatic solutions. The proper use of this martian energy is to use the decisive power of Mars to cut away the clauses of your social contracts that no longer serve your relationships instead of locking your loved ones into verbal combat about the details of the past. With Mercury’s retrograde close at hand characterizing this lunation, it is not advised to start brand new agreements and to not settle too quickly on a revision of an old one, but to take the time of this retrograde cycle to tweak, experiment, and understand the position of your partner so that by the end of this lunation cycle (Around September 23rd) you will have a clearer assessment of the efficacy of your current agreements and what needs to change. The combined Mercurial powers of this Virgo New Moon and Gemini Mars can be used to great success if the Gemini energy is used to aggregate data and clearly define the terms of the contracts, both spoken and unspoken, and the Virgo energy is used to analyze those details and allowed to cull what no longer works and improve upon what has. During this time, it’s good to remember that whoever it is you may argue with is your comrade and, while you both may have grievances, it is better to work together to resolve them rather than criticize and attack one another. Accountability, patience, and humility are the antidotes to Mar’s desire to create a war to win and Virgo’s desire for perfection. Your fight need not be with your comrade this lunar cycle, but with the old paradigm of your relationships instead.
Thank you so much for reading this forecast, I hope that it helps you navigate another Mars-y lunation and channel the warrior energy constructively.